
Second hand day 2023

13 September 2023

Second hand day 2023


Join us in Zürich on 23 September for the 4th edition of the second hand day.

You are invited to a special event organized in partnership with Ricardo, MyClimate and secondhandday.
A day full of enriching activities and convivial moments for all those who share our passion for sustainability, fashion and waste reduction.

Program 📢

What you can expect this day at AtelierFH’s:

Coffee and croissants all morning. Start your day with a cup of coffee or tea and delicious croissants, courtesy of AtelierFH.
Workshop at 11.30am and 2.30pm. Join us for an exciting workshop on “How to look after your summer shoes before storing them away until next spring”.
Fittings from our second-hand shoe collection: explore our carefully chosen selection of second-hand shoes and find the perfect pair to complete your wardrobe responsibly.
Style consulting: Beyond shoes we love vintage and second hand. We’re here to answer all your questions, give you personalised style advice and show you how to incorporate second-hand pieces into your everyday look.
Repairing and upcycling. If you’ve bought a second-hand item that you’d like to repair or transform into something new, don’t hesitate to bring it along. The team at the Atelier the pink sheep will be there to guide and inspire you in your projects

and some surprises

And cherry on the cake: special prices due to our preclosing will also be applied to our second-hand shoes

Registration for the second hand day event

Join us at Pink Sheep for a day of sharing, learning and celebrating the power of the second hand to create a positive impact together!
We hope to see many of you on 23 September. In the meantime, pack your summer shoes, bring your second-hand finds and join us for a unique experience. Together, we can make a difference!

📍 Place: the pink Sheep, Hornbachstrasse 22, 8008 Zurich

To confirm your participation register here (less than 1 minute)