Decluttering your wardrobe

Why Marie Kondo became so famous?

4 December 2020

Have you ever heard of Marie Kondo, the priestess of tidiness and order?

Why did Marie Kondo become so famous? In a world when the production of clothing has doubled the last 15 years, we may have beginnings to an answer here.

Have you ever stood in front of your wardrobe and been frustrated, without feeling any joy? The only thing you can think of  is “oh lala I have nothing to wear” .

We invited Laure for an interview. Laure is a French woman living in Zurich who has cofounded a personal stylist agency when she was living in Hong Kong.

De-cluttering was one of the services offered by the agency. Decluttering, in French “ désencombrer” according to the dictionary means “to get rid of unnecessary items,”, things we don’t need.

According to a study revealed in Fashion United we wear less that 50% of our wardrobe. When we know that the fashion industry is the most polluting industry, this figure can make us dizzy.

So what if we rethink or question the way we buy and consume fashion?

One way is to do an analysis of our wardrobe. So let’s ask Laure the expert.

Shera: Laure can you tell us how decluttering works?

Laure: First of all, I like to say that as a personal stylist my goal is the well being of my clients. I like to see things holistically. Image is important, so you should be comfortable with your image, it’s a question of self confidence. So when you think about your clothes. You should feel good when you wear them.

S: So what should I do first? Are there steps I should follow?

L: When you start a “decluttering exercise”, there are few questions that can help you to identify what you should keep. As I said before, it is essential to feel good. Are you comfortable in this garment?

The shape of your body shape changes over time, so maybe you don’t need to keep that top or trouser that no longer fits you.

Second question: do you enjoy wearing it? Is your item timeless? The same applies to accessories and shoes. These are the kinds of questions you could ask yourself when you are sorting your clothes, shoes and accessories. You should make two piles, one to keep and the other one to give away or resale them.

S: Thank you. And what should I do then with the clothes I keep. How do I make sure that I don’t buy again something that will sleep in my wardrobe?

L: Yes the work is not finished. Another piece of advice I can share is to learn how to associate your different items, how to be more creative. By knowing how to combine trousers with different tops and shoes for example, you will create several outfits with one piece. This way you will wear these trousers more often, and you won’t feel the need to buy another pair or the impression that you have nothing to wear.

S: So more outfits with less clothes😊

What advise would you give me if I would like to buy clothes or shoes knowing I don’t want to sabotage the “decluttering” work we have just done.

L: The notion of pleasure is fundamental. However before going shopping you should make a list of what you really need. Check you wardrobe, do the work of associating your different items,  check what you miss to create an outfit. You should buy the piece that will make the link with your wardrobe. That way you make sure you are buying what you really need. And maybe you will buy the missing accessory and not another item that you had in mind initially.

S: Anything else we should know?

L: Yes.. It can be difficult to get rid of some clothes or shoes, there is an emotional side to it. Maybe ask a friend or you can ask a personal coach to help you.

S: Thank you so much. To  conclude Laure could you give us three tips?

L: Having less, be more creative. Buy timeless pieces and don’t forget to make a shopping list.

S: Thank you  Laure.

I think we now have a great toolkit for starting a sustainable wardrobe.

Great piece advice: associating pieces and only buy what you miss, the clothes that can make the link with our wardrobe. We can add as a vintage and secondhand lover to try to shop for the clothes you need in second hand shops.  It will be all the more precious as you will feel unique! It will be good for your wallet and the planet!

Second hand shops are becoming more trendy and the offer is growing online and in retail. I am happy to share in my next article the second hand shops I like in Zürich. For shoes  check our new concept, AtelierFH, a platform for shoes only. An online second hand shop for shoes that have been repaired and disinfected.



Credit photo: Unsplash, Amanda Vick